Interface DataPointType

DataPoint 数据类型 Reference DataPointType

interface DataPointType {
    Criticality?: CriticalityType;
    CriticalityCalculation?: Partial<CriticalityCalculationType>;
    CriticalityLabels?: AnnotationPath;
    CriticalityRepresentation?: CriticalityRepresentationType;
    Description?: string;
    ForecastValue?: PrimitiveType;
    ID: string;
    LongDescription?: string;
    MaximumValue?: number;
    MinimumValue?: number;
    ReferencePeriod?: ReferencePeriod;
    Responsible?: ContactType;
    SampleSize?: PrimitiveType;
    TargetValue?: PrimitiveType;
    Title: string;
    Trend?: TrendType;
    TrendCalculation?: Partial<TrendCalculationType>;
    Value: Measure;
    ValueFormat?: NumberFormat;
    Visualization?: VisualizationType;


Criticality?: CriticalityType
CriticalityCalculation?: Partial<CriticalityCalculationType>
CriticalityLabels?: AnnotationPath
CriticalityRepresentation?: CriticalityRepresentationType

Decides if criticality is visualized in addition by means of an icon


Description?: string
ForecastValue?: PrimitiveType
ID: string
LongDescription?: string
MaximumValue?: number
MinimumValue?: number
ReferencePeriod?: ReferencePeriod
Responsible?: ContactType
SampleSize?: PrimitiveType
TargetValue?: PrimitiveType
Title: string
Trend?: TrendType
TrendCalculation?: Partial<TrendCalculationType>
Value: Measure

Numeric value The value is typically provided via a Path construct. The path MUST lead to a direct property of the same entity type or a property of a complex property (recursively) of that entity type, navigation segments are not allowed. It could be annotated with either UoM.ISOCurrency or UoM.Unit. Percentage values are annotated with UoM.Unit = '%'. A renderer should take an optional Common.Text annotation into consideration.

ValueFormat?: NumberFormat
Visualization?: VisualizationType

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